Please Provide the Following Information for Business Registration

  1. Business Name: a name of your choice, but must end with 'Co.', 'Corp.', 'Ltd.', or 'Inc.' They all have the same meaning, and solely depending on your preference. Please provide two business names to backup each other in case of name conflict.

  2. Business address and telephone number(s).

  3. The full name and address of the Registered Agent. The address must be within the State of Illinois and cannot be a P. O. Box.

  4. The full name of the Incorporator. The Incorporator must be a natural person who is eighteen years old or older, and does not need to be a US Citizen.

  5. The full name, SSN, address, and telephone of three principal Officers—President, Secretary, & Treasurer. (There must be at least one.)

  6. Initial capital of the business, and the maximum capital in the future.

  7. Are you going to hire employees in the next twelve months, how many, and when to start paying salaries?

  8. The major business scope. Are you goint to operate retail sales?

When the above information is complete, it can be faxed to the Firm. Please contact our staff members or the Accountant for any questions. Thank you.